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HCI 2013 International, hcii2013.org
Welcome Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
HCI International 2013
21 - 26 July 2013, Mirage Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Conference Management System

Last minute changes to the Conference program

Wednesday, 24 July 2013 Thursday, 25 July 2013 Friday, 26 July 2013
Poster presentations

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

08:00 - 10:00

Change in time of paper presentation


"Depth Camera based Real-time Fingertip Detection using Multi-view Projection"
Weixin Yang, Zhengyang Zhong, Xin Zhang, Lianwen Jin, Chenlin Xiong, Pengwei Wang

moved from:

Parallel session: S229: Motion, Gesture and Expression recognition - II
Session Chair: Christian Viard-Gaudin ---- Thematic area: HCI ---- Room: Montego D
Friday, 26 July, 13:30 – 15:30


Parallel session: S023: User Experience for Smart Devices and Environments
Session Chair: Abbas Moallem ---- Thematic area: DUXU ---- Room: Bermouda B

Session Chair replacement

S007: Harmonization towards Performance in Future Air Transportation
Thematic area: EPCE --- Room: Andros B
Chairs: Don Harris will chair this session, instead of Shan Fu

10:30 - 12:30

Session Chair announcement

S036 Presence, communication and collaboration in VR environments
Thematic area: VAMR --- Room: Antigua B
Chair: Jose San Martin.

S038 User behaviour in social communities - I
Thematic area: OCSC --- Room: Trinidad B
Chair: José Macías.

Session Chair replacement

S033: eBooks, eLearning, Digital Libraries/Multimedia: Accessibility, Markets and Copyrights
Thematic area: UAHCI --- Room: Jamaica A
Chairs: Michael Wright will chair this session, instead of Ana Isabel B.B. Paraguay

Change in time of paper presentation


"Communication and Avatar Representation during Role-Playing in Second Life Virtual World"
Tugba Tokel, Esra Cevizci

moved from:

Parallel session: S176: Online Communities and Social Computing in Higher Education
Session Chair: Gabriele Meiselwitz ---- Thematic area: OCSC ---- Room: Martinique A
Thursday, 25 July, 16:00-18:00


Parallel session: S044: Designing for playing experiences
Session Chair: Eva Petersson Brooks ---- Thematic area: DUXU ---- Room: Barbados B

Change in time of paper presentation


"Analysis of User-Generated Multimedia Data on Medication Management and Consumption Behavior Using Data Mining Techniques"
Chaiwoo Lee, Lisa D'Ambrosio, Richard Myrick, Joseph Coughlin, Olivier de Weck

moved from:

Parallel session: S035: Creating a Continuum of Care - II
Session Chair: Josette Jones, John Finnell ---- Thematic area: DUXU ---- Room: Antiqua A


Parallel session: S103: Multimodal Interfaces: Designing Across Boundaries - I
Session Chair: Luisa Paraguai, Ana Isabel Paraguay ---- Thematic area: UAHCI ---- Room: Jamaica B
Thursday, 25 July 2013: 08:00 – 10:00

13:30 – 15:30

Session Chair replacement

S057: 3D environments
Thematic area: VAMR --- Room: Jamaica B
Chair: Dimitris Grammenos will chair this session, instead of Eric Ortiz

S059: Cross-cultural design of IT products and services
Thematic area: CCD --- Room: Antigua B
Chair: Na Chen will chair this session, instead of Tom Plocher and P. L. Patrick Rau

S069: Intent Semantics: New Concept in Trust R&D
Thematic area: HAS --- Room: Bermuda B
Chair: Ioannis Askoxylakis will chair this session, instead of Claire Vishik

Change in time of paper presentation


"The Language of Motion: A Taxonomy for Interface"
Elaine Froehlich, Brian Lucid, Heather Shaw

moved from:

Parallel session: S207: Gesture-based interaction
Session Chair: George Margetis ---- Thematic area: HCI ---- Room: Montego C
Friday, 26 July, 10:30-12:30


Parallel session: S064: Interaction and materiality - I
Session Chair: Teng-Wen Chang ---- Thematic area: DUXU ---- Room: Martinique B

16:00 – 18:00

Session Chair replacement

S078: eInclusion - Policies, Programs, Best Practices ... and Lessons Learnt
Thematic area: UAHCI --- Room: Andros B
Chairs: Michael Wright and Simon Moe will chair this session, instead of Ana Isabel B.B. Paraguay


Thursday, 25 July 2013

08:00 - 10:00

Session Chair replacement

S106 Culture and user experience
Thematic area: CCD --- Room: Trinidad A
Chair: Qin Gao will chair this session, instead of Pilsung Choe

Session Chair replacement

S108 A Translational Approach to Neurotechnology Development
Thematic area: AC --- Room: Martinique A
Chairs: Amar Marathe and Jonathan Touryan will chair this session, instead of Kaleb McDowell and Anthony Ries

Session Chair announcement

S111 User experience in knowledge management
Thematic area: DUXU --- Room: St. Croix B
Chair: Xiaojun Yuan.

Change in time of paper presentation


"Analysis of User-Generated Multimedia Data on Medication Management and Consumption Behavior Using Data Mining Techniques"
Chaiwoo Lee, Lisa D'Ambrosio, Richard Myrick, Joseph Coughlin, Olivier de Weck

moved from:

Parallel session: S035: Creating a Continuum of Care - II
Session Chair: Josette Jones, John Finnell ---- Thematic area: DUXU ---- Room: Antiqua A
Wednesday, 24 July 2013: 10:30 - 12:30


Parallel session: S103: Multimodal Interfaces: Designing Across Boundaries - I
Session Chair: Luisa Paraguai, Ana Isabel Paraguay ---- Thematic area: UAHCI ---- Room: Jamaica B

10:30 - 12:30

Session Chair announcement

S118 Capturing the context of use
Thematic area: HCI --- Room: Montego D
Chair: Abbas Moallem.

S122 Cognitive Aspects in complex visual environments
Thematic area: EPCE --- Room: Andros A
Chair: Amy Banic.

Session Chair replacement

S129: User eXperience+: Shared Experience Design for Online Communities and Social Computing
Thematic area: OCSC --- Room: Trinidad B
Chair(s): Bassam Zafar will chair this session, instead of Habib M. Fardoun and Niki Lambropoulos


Session Chair announcement

S142 Consumer behaviour and persuasive interaction
Thematic area: HCI --- Room: Montego E
Chair: Ardion D. Beldad.

Session Chair replacement

S150 Visualization Techniques for Human-Automation Interaction
Thematic area: VAMR --- Room: Antigua B
Chair: Christopher Miller will chair this session, instead of Jessie Yc Chen

S152 Augmented Cognition in High Risk Environments
Thematic area: AC --- Room: Trinidad B
Chair: Margherita Antona will chair this session, instead of Huafei Liao

S155 Cross-Cultural UX in the Life Science Industry
Thematic area: DUXU --- Room: St. Croix A
Chair: Heidi Krömker will chair this session, instead of Brigitte Herrmann


Session Chair announcement

S163 Learning Environments
Thematic area: HCI --- Room: Montego C
Chair: Dimitris Grammenos.

S168 Information search
Thematic area: HIMI --- Room: Andros A
Chair: Jennifer C Romano Bergstrom.

Change in time of paper presentation


"Communication and Avatar Representation during Role-Playing in Second Life Virtual World"
Tugba Tokel, Esra Cevizci

moved from:

Parallel session: S176: Online Communities and Social Computing in Higher Education
Session Chair: Gabriele Meiselwitz ---- Thematic area: OCSC ---- Room: Martinique A


Parallel session: S044: Designing for playing experiences
Session Chair: Eva Petersson Brooks ---- Thematic area: DUXU ---- Room: Barbados B
Wednesday, 24 July 2013: 10:30 – 12:30


Friday, 26 July 2013

08:00 - 10:00

Session Chair announcement

S189 Automotive and aviation
Thematic area: HIMI --- Room: St Thomas A
Chair: Stuart Campbell.

Session Chair replacement

S184: Intelligent User Interfaces for Privacy-respecting, Personal Information Management across the Social Web
Thematic area: HCI --- Room: Montego A
Chair: Andreas Schuller will chair this session, instead of Dieter Spath and Fabian Hermann

Session Chair replacement

S200: Industrial Software User Experience
Thematic area: DUXU --- Room: Martinique B
Chair: Doug Williams will chair this session, instead of Sanjay Tripathi

Change in time of paper presentation


"One-Handed Gesture Design for Browsing on Touch Phone"
Fong-Gong Wu, Jo-Yu Kuo

moved from:

Parallel session: S194: Accessibility and Software Design for All
Session Chairs: Hugo Paredes ,Manuel Pérez-Cota ---- Thematic area:UAHCI---- Room: Jamaica B


Parallel session: S193: Design Access in Human Communication and Interaction
Session Chair: Fong-Gong Wu ---- Thematic area: UAHCI ---- Room: Jamaica A

10:30 - 12:30

Session Chair announcement

S208 Recognizing emotions
Thematic area: HCI --- Room: Montego D
Chair: Christian Meske.

Session Chair replacement

S212: Situated Cognitive Engineering for Citizen's Well-Being
Thematic area: EPCE --- Room: Andros A
Chair: Anita Cremers will chair this session, instead of Mark A. Neerincx

Change in time of paper presentation


"The Language of Motion: A Taxonomy for Interface"
Elaine Froehlich, Brian Lucid, Heather Shaw

moved from:

Parallel session: S207: Gesture-based interaction
Session Chair: George Margetis ---- Thematic area: HCI ---- Room: Montego C


Parallel session: S064: Interaction and materiality - I
Session Chair: Teng-Wen Chang ---- Thematic area: DUXU ---- Room: Martinique B
Wednesday, 24 July 2013: 13:30 – 15:30


Session Chair announcement

S235 Interaction and Education for the Deaf
Thematic area: UAHCI --- Room: Jamaica A
Chair: Margherita Antona.

Session Chair replacement

S238: Knowledge Sharing
Thematic area: CCD --- Room: Antigua B
Chair: P.L. Patrickk Rau will chair this session, instead of Hua Qin

Change in time of paper presentation


"Depth Camera based Real-time Fingertip Detection using Multi-view Projection"
Weixin Yang, Zhengyang Zhong, Xin Zhang, Lianwen Jin, Chenlin Xiong, Pengwei Wang

moved from:

Parallel session: S229: Motion, Gesture and Expression recognition - II
Session Chair: Christian Viard-Gaudin ---- Thematic area: HCI ---- Room: Montego D


Parallel session: S023: User Experience for Smart Devices and Environments
Session Chair: Abbas Moallem ---- Thematic area: DUXU ---- Room: Bermouda B
Wednesday, 24 July 2013, 08:00 – 10:00


Session Chair announcement

S258 eSociety 2.0 - II
Thematic area: OCSC --- Room: Antigua A
Chair: James Braman.

Poster presentations

305 - Evaluation of Application Switcher Using the Initial Writing Operation
                 Keita Mitani, Yukinobu Hoshino

306 - EmoAssist: A Real-time Social Interaction Tool to assist the Visually Impaired
                 AKMMahbubur Rahman, ASM Iftekhar Anam, Md. Iftekhar Tanveer, Sreya Ghosh, Mohammed Yeasin


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